Revealing my Basement Workshop

Revealing my Basement Workshop

Of all the updates I’d made to my basement, my workshop was the one I was looking the most forward to. I ended up going with some much bolder choices than I was originally planning, and guys, I’m so glad I did! What do you think of my new basement workshop??

Basement Project Recap:

Organizing my Basement Workshop

Up until this point, I didn’t have a great workshop system. I organized everything in a closet in the basement, but it’s on the other side of the basement from my new workshop, so that wasn’t going to work. Plus, it was pretty hard to keep organized and it’s honestly just not my favorite place! So, this was a priority when I built my workbench.

Side Cubby

I built this side cubby specifically to hold things like wood filler, caulk, sandpaper, and all of my other ‘finishing’ supplies. It’s worked out perfectly! I picked up a ten pack of these organization bins and am using them throughout the workbench. I also grabbed these makeup pallet organizers to hold all my sandpaper! I wasn’t sure if it would work, but it’s actually kind of perfect. They were really affordable, and the acrylic just looks nice!

Right Cubby

This side is dedicated to my tools! I have my most used Ryobi tools in the front, and then a few more in the back. I also have my corner clamps, Kreg Jig pocket hole tool, and concealed hinge jig. The middle shelf is also perfect to hold my batteries, charger, and powerstrip.

Left Cubby

This side is dedicated to things like hardware and extra supplies. I used the remaining bins throughout this area to store everything from extra hinges to rope, to flooring installation tools. I also grabbed three of these hardware organizers. They are the perfect size and I love all the dividers. 

Left Shelf

This is going to be flex space and will probably change pretty frequently. Right now, it’s holding my iron which I use for edgebanding, and some other supplies that I’m going to be using soon!

Overall, I’m so happy with how this all came together. I think it’s going to make me much more efficient and allow me to stay organized!

Decorating my Basement Workshop

This entire step is completely unnecessary for a functional workspace. But wow, I friggen love it!


I’ve known I wanted to add some extra lights for a while. I do have two overhead lights in this area, but they are both pretty harsh and placement isn’t great, so they create a lot of shadows and sometimes distort color.

I picked out these lights because they were extremely affordable and had nice long cords. To install them, I just wrapped the cord around a ceiling beam, then tucked the cord behind my pegboard. I used mounting putty to secure the switch to the underside of the countertop, so they’re easy to access and out of the way! 


I wanted some kind of clock down and my original plan was to install a wall-mounted clock to the pegboard, but then I saw this little guy and was smitten! 

I also knew that I wanted some kind of holder for all my pencils and dry-erase markers, so I found this little vase from Michaels, and the colors were absolutely perfect. 


Ah, the star of the show! Honestly, this was such a whim, but I’m SO glad that I did it. I was inspired by watching both Encanto and Bridgerton in a short period and I just wanted some pretty flowers in my life!

I combined this white garland and purple garland together and wrapped it around the pipe that hangs above the pegboard. I have some additional garland and flowers that I picked up, but honestly, I don’t think it needs it. Maybe down the line, I’ll find a good spot for them. What do you think?

The Full View

Now that everything is complete, I surprised even myself with this one. It’s functional and beautiful and hopefully means I no longer have to work on the floor! My back will be quite happy.

This basement is so close to being done. It’s taken a bit longer than I was expecting, but I’m so happy with how everything has come together. Make sure to follow along for the final steps!

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