About Me

Hi, I'm Britt!

I’m a 30-something living in Buffalo, NY (Go Bills!) with my husband and two cats. During the day, I’m a working professional, but I love to spend my nights, weekends, and the occasional early morning working on my home. My home is my sanctuary and I believe in creating a home you love by embracing the power of change and creativity.

My DIY Journey

I believe that I have three qualities that all led me to try and ultimately fall in love with DIY:

  1. I’m frugal. I hate that feeling when you’ve overspent on something. Does that mean that I’m Scrooge McDuck swimming in gold coins? Absolutely not. (That’s my oldest brother, haha!), but if I think there’s a way to get something for more affordably, I’ll 100% go for it!
  2. I’m stubborn. If there’s something that is stumping me, I don’t walk away until I’ve figured it out or found a new way. In DIY, this quality constantly comes out, since there are so many times I’m doing something for the first time.
  3. I’m impatient. If I had waited around for a contractor to help me finish all the projects I’ve completed over the past 2 years, I’d probably only have 2 projects to show for it. When I want something done, I’ve learned to make a plan and make it happen. And honestly, there’s no better feeling than completing a task on your own!

Do you need these three qualities to DIY? Nope. These are just the ones that led me here!

What started out as finishing one room has slowly progressed into me wanted to tackle every room in my house. And I’ve gotten pretty far in the past few years. I still have a way to go, but I figured it’s time to start sharing some of these projects and hopefully helping others feel empowered enough to also give it a try!

My Home

When we bought our home in 2015, I lovingly described it as a grandmother’s home. It’s a quaint two-story that I would describe as a cottage-style house. 

It’s also on the smaller side. We have 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 1313 square feet. It’s definitely a great size for us, but I would expect we’ll outgrow it if we ever start a family. But for now, it’s perfect (and very affordable!).

Admittedly, it took a few years of living here before I found my design style. In the end, I believe that I listened to our home and honored it by going with a transitional-meets-traditional style with coastal elements. The transitional/traditional style suits this house as it is older, but I think too small to be ornately traditional. The smaller rooms require the light neutrals of coastal decor to make it feel open and calming. You won’t find any seashells or anchors in my designs, but I gravitate towards blue colors and natural materials.

What You'll Find Here

I decided to finally start this blog because I feel like I have something that I’m passionate about and want to share. Am I a professional? Nope! Will I share my mistakes? Absolutely. 

My biggest goal is to be authentic. I think sharing my journey, including my many missteps, can help homeowners realize that they don’t need to wait until they are in their dream home to love their home. I want you to be empowered to create the home you love for where you live now.

I hope you’re here because you want to take this journey with me! It’s honestly one of the most rewarding and exciting things I’ve ever done.

Let's do this!

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